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PropInfo Object

To add/configure component parameters, create the propInfo object where the properties are the names of the parameters and the values are their descriptions. For example:

propInfo: {
someProp: {
title: 'Property Title',
description: {
en: 'Property Description',
control: 'select',
variants: ['opt1', 'opt2'],
multiply: true,
category: 'Main',
weight: 1

Let's take a closer look at the example above:

Prop nameDescription
titleCustom parameter name displayed in the builder.
descriptionDescription in several languages displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the title.
variantsList of options, used in input, select, and radio-group.
multiplyA "+" button will be added next to the parameter name, and the user will be able to use multiple copies of the current parameter to select multiple values. If it's enabled, you get an array with a list of selected values in the component.
categoryThe name of the custom category for grouping props on the right panel. If there is no category with this name, it will be created automatically. The categories are sorted from A to Z.
weightThe props input box width in the range of values from 0 to 1, which is equal to 0 to 100% of the right panel width. You can place multiple props on the same line if their total width is no more than 1.
controlInput field type; different control types are available.

Control Types

Prop nameDescription
inputA simple text field. Used to enter single-line text. Returns a string with the text entered by the user.
If there's the variants property, it turns into datalist with variants transferred.
checkboxA simple switch. Used to enable or disable a component function. Returns the true value if enabled and the false value if disabled.
selectA drop-down list with text headings. Can be used to switch the text value if the number of choices or the length of the lines exceeds the size of the panel.
A list of options available to the user can be specified in the variants: ['one', 'two', 'three'] prop.
You can group a list of options using an object with the label title and with the options list in the group.
Returns a string with the selected value.
radio-groupMultiple text heading switch. Can be used to switch short text values if the number of options and the length of the lines don't exceed the panel size.
Return a string with the selected value. A list of options available to the user can be specified in the property variants: ['one', 'two', 'three'].
There are three designs available for the switch, which can be selected using the design: 1 property.
fontFont settings panel. Can be used to customize the font in a component in general. Returns a string with the font styles: italic normal 400 1em/1.5 --fontFamily-googleRoboto.
iconA panel for selecting icons from the set. Can be used to get the icon name from the available sets in the builder. Returns a string with the icon name.
imageA panel for selecting an image. Can be used to load and select loaded or imported images in the component. Returns a string with the image link.
colorColor settings panel. Can be used to customize colors in a component in general. Returns a string with a variable name or a custom color value in #HEX (if transparency is not used) or RGBA.
backgroundBackground settings panel. Can be used to customize the background in a component in general. Returns a string with a variable name or a custom color value in #HEX or RGBA and the image or gradient styles, if indicated:
  • gradient styles: #000000 repeating-linear-gradient(90deg,rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, rgba(0,0,0,1) 100%)
  • image styles: --color-dark url(image.png) center/contain no-repeat fixed border-box
transitionTransition settings panel
transformTransform settings panel
shadowShadow settings panel
filterFilter settings panel

Input fields font, color, background, transition, transform, shadow, and filter are textual, and when clicked, they open the built-in settings panel in the builder and return the generated string with the styles selected on the panel.